WPJA Award-Winning Image – 2011 Q3 Contest

I always hold my breath when I get the email from the Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA) that the results from the quarterly contest are available. Each quarter I enter, presenting my strongest images and just praying that one might be selected. The WPJA is an organization that counts as it members some of the most talented and amazing wedding photojournalists around the WORLD. Not just the US– we’re talking photographers from Russia, France, Japan, Australia – everywhere. I’ve never won an award from the WPJA before (just being accepted into the WPJA was one of my career goals), so I didn’t know if an award-winner would receive a separate email alerting them of a winning image. So slowly I click through the stunning images, holding my breath hoping that I might see one of my images pop on the screen in one of the ten categories.

Well this morning it happened.

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I saw an image of mine – a ring detail shot from Meggan and David’s Mamaroneck Beach and Yacht Club wedding in October (you can see that wedding here) – had been awarded 18th place in the Ring Details category. I was alongside my photography heros and the people whose work I draw inspiration from. Today was a very good day, one I’ve been hoping for a long long time!

Here is the award-winning image, the rings were placed on the edge of the free-standing coin-operated binocular-type machine (I’m sure there is a name for these, I’m drawing a blank in my excitement) that lets you gaze out into the Long Island Sound:

3 Comments On This Topic
  1. ~* Emily *~
    13 years ago

    Kelly, I am SO excited for you! That's awesome. Kind of a rad Christmas present, isn't it? Way to go!!!

  2. Kelly
    13 years ago

    Thanks Emily! Hope you and Bernie had a Merry Christmas!

  3. Laura Killeen
    13 years ago

    Congrats Kelly! You deserve it!,