Sarita and Jamie had originally planned their engagement session for a few months ago. February to be exact. Cold, nine-months-pregnant February. I felt awful when, on doctor’s orders, I had to reschedule, but I think the warm weather was a much nicer way to photograph Sarita and Jamie in the beautiful Botanical Garden in Bronx, NY. We had a great time walking around the Gardens, and the scenery could not have been a more perfect backdrop for these two lovely ladies.

We found these really cool trees where many many couples had visited before us and carved their initials into the bark.

Sarita & Jamie are absolutely gorgeous. Some days, my job is really easy!

The light was so beautiful in these next two, I really like how they turned out.

Two paths converging into one…

Thanks Sarita and Jamie! I had so much fun getting to know you both a bit better. Glad we were finally able to get together!