Frequent blog visitors may recall the previous photo sessions I have done with baby Kelly, who isn’t a baby at all any more! I had to get this shot to see how much Kelly has grown since I last photographed her. The letters spelling out Kelly’s name were made by one of my previous brides, the lovely and talented Erica, who works with Kelly’s lovely mom Erin.

We headed outside to get some photographs of Kelly in her Christmas dress. Yes, I am a bit behind on blogging ๐Ÿ™‚

Such a sweet happy girl!

One thing I notice about some of my favorite photographs of Kelly is how she is always checking out the world around her. Kelly is such a smart, curious little girl! And yes, totally adorable too.

Thanks Erin and Mike for having me photograph Kelly – it’s always a good time! Hope to see you again when the weather warms up.

4 Comments On This Topic
  1. brandilouwho
    15 years ago

    These are beautiful! Such a cutie pie too!!

  2. krista lucas photography
    15 years ago

    i love the photos under her name on the changing table! so sweet!!

  3. Katelyn
    15 years ago

    Awesome pics Kelly! You had an amazing subject though! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Erin
    15 years ago

    love them all!!! have to do an order – will probably be my summer project though…………